Our Services

Construction Progression

-Monitor job site status’s with a wide

variety of deliverables listed below

Asset and Property Inspection

-Large properties and structures need to be managed well to maintain the value. Drone photography and videos can greatly aid in determining the status of these assets

Drone Mapping

-Knowing the layout of your property and seeing it from above are two different things. Mapping can help orient the property in a perspective that adds value in the decision making process.


-Through the use of drones, we can accurately capture the information you are looking to document.

Our Deliverables

Aerial Still Imagery

A picture is worth a thousand words. Nothing could be more true. With High-Resolution photos, from uncommon perspectives, clients can accurately study the site without the distractions of the jobsite.

Interactive Ortho-mosaic Maps

These maps are made by stitching together hundreds of high resolution photographs. The level of detail is unmatched and allows no compromise to the level of image quality when trying to see the entire site in one image. Drone mapping provides owners, contractors, engineers and architects with

  • Site access details

  • infrastructure measurements

  • Measurements to estimate material costs

  • Progress photos of construction sites

  • Inspection photos before, during and after completion of a project



Aerial Videos

To truly see scale and dimensionality of space, videos add the next dimension to understanding the building and its position on the site as a whole.

Interactive 3D Modeling

Try it out! Click on the center of the rotating model to create a focal point. Click and hold to rotate as you wish. Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. Click on the white ribbon to view in full screen.

Pictures and video tells a great narrative, but what if you would like to see something from a slightly different angle? Interactive 3D modeling, harnessing AI, allows the end user to manipulate the site for greater perspective.

Field Reports

Concise visual reports that give a site visit summary that is easy to interpret. A great way to have snapshot reporting of the site