Benefits to the Build Team

  • Owners

    -Documentation of one of the most important life events. Share with friends and family.

    -Cost effective record keeping

    -Impartial data collection.

    -Feeling connected to the build process without added stress

    -Views from the site that can add valuable perspective at critical points in the process at the most cost efficient time.

    -Give valuable insight into the building conditions and status. When you know where the process is, it adds peace of mind.

    -You don’t need to feel in the dark about questions that arise. Use our videos, pictures and models to have a more informed decision making process, while keeping the pipeline for communication clear. This should reduce turn-around time to issues that are guaranteed to arise, thus reducing build time.

    -Reduces number of site visits, and help you avoid going out in harsh winter and humid summer conditions. Can limit the feelings of needing to stay close “just in case”.

    -Accurate site mapping, can keep your contractors pencils sharp and your budget more in control.

  • Contractors

    -Keep projects on time

    -Audit material deliveries

    -Audit logistics flow

    -Allows permanent record of installation

    -Reduces on-site risk

  • Design Team

    -Helps maintain an awareness on the design and build progress for scheduling and payouts if an owners rep is involved.

    -Raises situational awareness of the design implementation.

    -Can save immensely on site visits for design teams not located in direct proximity to the site. Airfare, hotels, transportation and dining on the go add up quickly. Possibly reducing the team members that are able to be on site.

    -Plan changes that may not make it into a plan set before they are completed can be viewed as to validate design intent.

    -Framing orientation and methodology can be validated to a large extent from drone ortho-mosaics and photo-grametry.

    -Adds clarity to streams of communication, maintaining the integrity of the overall design and aesthetic intent during complex builds.